Amino acid stimulants supplier

Content: Amino Acid

Eurolife agro supplier of Amino acid PGR stimulants. We have expertise in manufacturing in the Amino acid . We serve across india.



Amino acid is the natural building block of the protein synthesis. PROTNY X provides 18 essential amino acid, which requires for the protein synthesis. Protein Requires for the fruit setting and new tissue development.

In modern agriculture, along with fungicides, herbicides and insecticides, various products classified as plant growth stimulants are used. This relatively new group of products is used to maximize crop yield and quality, especially under unfavorable for plant growth and development of environmental conditions. The role of biostimulants is to control and accelerate the life processes of plants, increase the resistance to stress and stimulate their development (roots and leaves). Biostimulants contribute to better seed germination and induce biological activity of plants. These products are also safe for the environment and contribute to sustainable, high-output low-input crop productions. Their application helps to reduce the amount of chemicals used in agriculture and plant protection . One type of biostimulants are preparations based on amino acids.
Plants synthesize Amino Acids from the Primary elements, the Carbon and Oxygen obtained from air, Hydrogen from water in the soil, forming Carbon Hydrate by means of photosynthesis and combining it with the Nitrogen which the plants obtain from the soil, leading to synthesis of amino acids, by collateral metabolic pathways. Only L-Amino Acids are part of these Proteins and have metabolic activity.


2ml in 1 liter of water.
(30 ml in 15 liter water)
(Dilute specified amount of PROTYN X in water before use. Ensure complete mixing of the PROTYN X in water before use. Stir vigorously for 2-3 minute to make uniform distribution in water tank.)


  • Protyn X Induce flowering and reduce pre-dropping.
  • Protyn X Improves fruit setting and reduce fruit dropping.
  • Protyn X Improves fruit size and quality.
  • Protyn X Improves nutrition uptake and their utilization.
  • It helps in improving the microflora of the soil thereby facilitating the assimilation of nutrients.
  • Amino Acids can directly or indirectly influence the physiological activities of the plant.

Recommended Crops

Cotton, Sesame, Ground nut, Cumin, Sugarcane, Water melon, Brinjal, Chili, Tomato, Potato, Lady finger, Bitter gourd, Bottle Gourd, paddy, Wheat, Garlic, Onion, Gerbera, Rose, Sun flower, mango tree, Apple, Banana, Oranges, All vegetable, oil seed, fruit crops & Horticulture crops